金銭的にも問題なので、極力節約すること。There is a tendency of overeating. As money is also a problem, save as much as possible.
生ビールが恋しい。I could not join the party. I miss draft beer.
予約を入れている他の本が借りられなくなる。I have to return the book I had borrowed.
睡眠不足か。PC作業が出来るので支障はないけれど。I wake up late today. Is sleep shortage? There is no problem because PC work can be done.
自分でも試してみること。Join yoga. Try it myself.
名曲喫茶にいる感覚を味わう。そう言えば最近はご無沙汰している。Listen to classical music as BGM. Taste the feeling that I am in classic cafe.
BGMとして使う為。早速iPhoneにインポートする。I borrow a classical music CD. For use as BGM. Import to iPhone immediately.
所用を済ませる。比較的早く終わって良かったと思う。カレー蕎麦を食す。I go to Kyoto station. Finish the task. I think that it was good to finish relatively early. I eat curry soba.
所用がある。早起きしなければ。I will go to Kyoto station tomorrow. There is a need. I have to get up early.
昨日は身体の芯から凍えてしまう。暖かくして過ごさなければと思う。I freeze from my body yesterday. I hope to keep it warm.
あの日も火曜日だった。無事に今生きていられることに感謝しなければと思う。It is just 22 years since the Great Hanshin Awaji earthquake. That day was also Tuesday.
クリスマスに降れば良かったのに、と思う。Snow is dancing. I wish I had gotten on Christmas.
見学者が5人いて緊張するが、何とかよどみなく話せる。Practice interviewing. There are five visitors and I am nervous, but I can somehow speak.
単純作業が多いが、仕事量が膨大とのこと。I attend a lecture on clerical work. Although there are many simple tasks, the amount of work is enormous.
差し当たり様子見して、続くようなら上司に相談、の流れだろうか。I suffer from irrational scenes at work.
自分の弱点を意識しなければと思う。Take a self-analysis program. I think that I should be conscious of my weaknesses.
今日は晴天だけど。自分の心もこうありたい。It was raining yesterday. Today is fine weather. I want to have my own heart like this.
乱雑に入れないようにしなければ。Organize the inside of the bag. I have to avoid getting cluttered.
身についていないのに愕然とする。実践しなければと思う。I learn about honorifics again, I am stunned though I do not have it. I think I should practice it.
必要な書類しか鞄に入れないこと。I organize the documents. Do not put the necessary documents in my bag.
やって来る。近所を回っている模様。断ったけれど。I refused.
スターバックスに籠もる。贅沢してザッハトルテを食す。The holiday ends in yesterday. I bask in Starbucks.
散歩をする。近くの神社はお参りの人で並んでいた。Put the baggage in the locker and take a walk. The nearby shrine was lining in a visiting person.
通信費にしか使っていないけれど。普段は持っていなくても不便を感じない。A credit card arrives. Although it is used only for communication expenses. I do not usually feel inconvenience even if I do not have it.