寒気がして熱っぽくなる。風邪?差し当たり葛根湯を服用する。It felt cold and feverish last night. cold?
春が待ち遠しいですね、と語りかけてきた。本当にそう思う。From Windows I've spoken to you, I can not wait for spring. I really think so.
あの頃が懐かしく思い出される。Season of college entrance examination. I remember the old days.
市役所まで行かなければならない。時間がとれると良いけれど。I have to go to the city office. I hope I can take some time.
読むこと。なかなか返却するまでに読み切ることが出来ないでいる。Borrow three books, to read. I can not read it until I return it.
用事があるなら今日中に行くこと。The library is closed for tomorrow. If you have business, going to work today.
家に居る今も緊張している。腹式呼吸をしなければ。I am in an interview today and still feel nervous. I have to take an abdominal breath.
自分では上手く話せたと思う。弱点を潰していくこと。Receive a simulated interview. I think I was able to speak well on my own. To destroy weaknesses.
未来へ踏み出さなければ。I have to step on to the future.
積極的に求人に応募すること。Reprint photos for resume. Be actively applying for recruitment.
受験生の頃が懐かしく思い出される。High school entrance examination. I remember when I was a student nostalgically.
借りるだけではなくて読み切ること。There are nine books to borrow, not only to borrow but to read.
ポーズが終わった後の、掌の感覚を味わう。Join yoga. Taste the sensation of the palm after the pose is over.
風邪?差し当たり葛根湯を服用する。Abdominal pain continues. cold?
気温はそれ程低くないのだろうけれど、芯から冷える。Rain. The temperature will not be so low, but it will get cold from the core.
練習して慣れておくこと。電話が無い部署は無い。Take the program of telephone reception. Practice and get used to it. There is no department that does not have a telephone.
ついでにカレー蕎麦も食べた。美味。I went to Kyoto station. In addition I ate curry soba. Delicious.
早起きする。I go to Kyoto Station by reason, so get up early.
行動に移せないのを何とかしなければ。The month ended in an instant. I have to manage to not move on to action.