Self-development of the executive toward
effectiveness is the only available answer
to satisfy both the objective needs of
society for performance by the organization,
and the needs of the person for achievement
and fulfillment.成果に向けた一人ひとりの自己啓発こそが、組織として社会のニーズに応え、個として自己実現するための唯一の方法である。
It is the only way in which organization
goals and individual needs can come together.それこそが、組織の目標と個のニーズを合致させる唯一の方法である。
Executives who work at making strengths
productive --- is own as well as those of
others --- work at making organizational
performance compatible with personal
They work at making their knowledge area
become organizational opportunity.それぞれの専門分野が組織にとっての機会となる。
And by focusing on contribution,they make
their own values become organization
Knowledge workers demand economic rewards too.知識労働者も経済的な報酬を必要とする。
Their absence is a deterrent.
But their presence is not enough.
They need opportunity; they need achievement;
they need fulfillment; they need values.Only by making themselves into effective
executives can knowledge workers obtain these
Only executive effectiveness can enable
society to harmonize its two needs: the
needs of the organization to obtain from
the individual the contribution it needs,
and the need of the individuals to have
the organization serve as their tool for
the accomplishment of their purposes.成果を通じてのみ、現代社会は二つのニーズ、すなわち個から貢献を得るという組織のニーズと、自らの目的の達成のための道具として組織を使うという個のニーズを調和させることができる。